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Trust.Zone Blog. Posts by tag 'fraudsters'

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10 VPN Scams to Look Out For in 2025
20 December 2024
10 VPN Scams to Look Out For in 2025

There are many reasons why people use a VPN.

Maybe they want to disguise their physical location, browse the internet without constraints, or maintain anonymity. Whatever the reason, it’s a huge market, worth $44.6 billion U.S. in 2024, and estimated to rise to $75.59 billion by 2027.

However, as often with a lucrative market, there are many scams out there, scams that seek to take your money under false pretenses or to harvest your data for anything from marketing purposes to identity fraud. read more...

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Fraudsters' Playbook: How AI is Disrupting Traditional VPN-Based Scams
6 June 2024
Fraudsters' Playbook: How AI is Disrupting Traditional VPN-Based Scams

Internet scams are ever-prevalent threats online. As technology evolves, cybercriminals get more sophisticated with their malicious methods. You could lose your entire life savings and even your identity when you fall victim to their attacks.

What can you do? Enter AI (artificial intelligence) into the picture. AI technology has been advancing in recent years and is getting more popular by the day.

In this post, we explore how AI is disrupting traditional VPN-based scams. How does it prevent online fraud? read more...

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6 Ways to Protect Your Ecommerce Store from Fraud
11 February 2021
6 Ways to Protect Your Ecommerce Store from Fraud

With the growing number of people having Internet access, the more lucrative it is to have an ecommerce store. But with this new type of business comes a different set of concerns.
For ecommerce business owners, one cause for concern would be the likelihood of fraud. Here are 6 ways you can protect your ecommerce store from fraud: read more...

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10 Solutions to Prevent Ransomware Attacks from Fraudsters
20 November 2020
10 Solutions to Prevent Ransomware Attacks from Fraudsters

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that digital adoption increases digital risk.
Ransomware is a very common security threat distributed by criminal-minded cyber offenders through phishing emails or online downloads that usually have malicious code. As soon as the infection begins, the legitimate owners lost access to their sensitive data. Your access will be renewed only if you pay a fee. read more...

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