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8 Best Tips to Boost Macbook's Cybersecurity
2 December 2020
8 Best Tips to Boost Macbook's Cybersecurity

Despite its reliability, Macbooks are still prone to potential cybersecurity threats. You may read a lof of articles about how Mac users do not have to worry about viruses or malware, but the reality is quite different.
Negligence may lead you to issues worse than a drop in computer performance. Personal data exposure is also a possibility if you have to deal with a particularly malicious type of malware. read more...

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5 Top Tips When Using A VPN for Business for the First Time
10 November 2020
5 Top Tips When Using A VPN for Business for the First Time

Working on the internet comes with its perks, but it also leaves your system vulnerable to external threats. These threats can be through different viruses, malware, spyware, etc. Cyberattacks can destroy your business from its core and leave your system hollow. Moreover, certain business attacks target the business market and can cause damage worth millions. This is where the usefulness of a VPN comes in.

As a newbie, if you are still unsure of how to use VPNs for the security of your business, then our guide will help you get started in no time! read more...

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5 Different Types of VPNs and When to Use Them
13 October 2020
5 Different Types of VPNs and When to Use Them

There are different types of VPNs and to use them effectively, you should know how each one applies in which situations: Client-based VPN, Network-based VPN, Remote access VPN, Site-to-site VPN, Multi-protocol VPN read more...

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How to Optimize VPN Data Usage in 5 Steps
25 September 2020
How to Optimize VPN Data Usage in 5 Steps

Are you an Internet user with a limited monthly data plan? If the answer is yes, then you probably need to think about the ways to reduce data consumption. This is particularly important for VPN users because the service might have a much greater impact on the bandwidth than you think. read more...

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A VPN is Vital for Working from Home: Everything You Need to Know
20 August 2020
A VPN is Vital for Working from Home: Everything You Need to Know

VPN is the magic door to allowing people to work from home, especially during a pandemic.

While it might seem convenient to have an office space and a cubicle to work in, with time, it can get stressful and tiring, ultimately making you lose productivity. You can now work from anywhere without worrying about the private information getting leaked. read more...

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7 Things You Didn't Know About VPN Technology
12 August 2020
7 Things You Didn't Know About VPN Technology

Even though you might not have lots of experience in the tech industry, at some point you might need to use a VPN. Especially during the last months, when lots and lots of companies were forced to move their offices at their employee’s homes.
Now, let’s find out more about VPN.

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9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN
9 August 2020
9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN

VPN ensures that the users can work on a private network and not have a fear of compromise. But beyond just protecting your privacy on the internet, there are other ways to maximize your VPN.

Here are 9 ways to optimize your VPN use. read more...

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Skyrocket Your Results By Implementing VPN Technology: 3 Simple Steps
23 July 2020
Skyrocket Your Results By Implementing VPN Technology: 3 Simple Steps

Although it’s not a new IT concept anymore, a VPN is still not as widely accepted and acknowledged as it should be. Less than a quarter of internet users have used VPN at least once in the last 30 days, which means that it still has a long way to go before it reaches the mainstream status.
However, the simple truth is that VPN providers can make your life and business much easier thanks to the sheer versatility of the service. read more...

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How to Protect Your Privacy on Windows 10
25 June 2020
How to Protect Your Privacy on Windows 10

Before you switched your operating system to Windows 10, you must have heard a lot about how it’s the next best thing to owning a compute itself. Then you decided to update your PC to Windows 10 and admittedly, it is a lot better than windows 8 in its interface and overall user experience. But something else that you also have to look out for is the privacy in windows 10. What changes have been made? read more...

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5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them
18 June 2020
5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them

The vast majority of data security failures are preventable with foresight and precaution. Overcoming the seemingly complex nature of data security by understanding the value of Virtual Private Networks or centralising your data security are key steps to creating a secure data environment for any organisation or individual. read more...

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