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Trust.Zone Blog. Posts by tag 'howto'

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How to Use Instagram If Your IP Address is Banned
23 September 2020
How to Use Instagram If Your IP Address is Banned

Instagram (and all web service that you connect with) can get to know a lot of information about you from your IP address. If you have been told before that you don’t have a face on the internet, I have come to tell you that’s not true. In fact, you’re very well known. An online service... read more...

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10 Myths And Facts About VPN Technology
4 July 2020
10 Myths And Facts About VPN Technology

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) has become quite a big deal in the digital world due to the sheer versatility and the number of useful functions. VPN providers are getting increasingly popular among digital nomads as reports show that approximately 25% of users globally take advantage of such services. Here’s what other studies say about it:

- The global VPN market will reach over $50 billion by 2024.
- 50% of people say they use a VPN for access to better entertainment content, while 34% claim they do it to access social networks and news services.
- Almost 70% of VPN users are 34 or younger. read more...

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How to Protect Your Privacy on Windows 10
25 June 2020
How to Protect Your Privacy on Windows 10

Before you switched your operating system to Windows 10, you must have heard a lot about how it’s the next best thing to owning a compute itself. Then you decided to update your PC to Windows 10 and admittedly, it is a lot better than windows 8 in its interface and overall user experience. But something else that you also have to look out for is the privacy in windows 10. What changes have been made? read more...

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5 Tips for Cybersecurity While You Work from Home
23 June 2020
5 Tips for Cybersecurity While You Work from Home

Nobody could ever think that in 2020 we will be obliged to nestle at our homes for months. And the end of the isolation is not even on the horizon. But this is the reality, and the only option left for the employers is to let their workers work from home.

Working from home has numerous nuances. And one of them is data security. read more...

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5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them
18 June 2020
5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them

The vast majority of data security failures are preventable with foresight and precaution. Overcoming the seemingly complex nature of data security by understanding the value of Virtual Private Networks or centralising your data security are key steps to creating a secure data environment for any organisation or individual. read more...

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How to Know If Your Smartphone has been Hacked and How To Fix
17 June 2020
How to Know If Your Smartphone has been Hacked and How To Fix

It is important to ensure the security of the information in our smartphones. Our privacy must be protected and our account details should be secure. The security of such information is paramount.

Some of the signs that your phone has been hacked are discussed below. read more...

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5 Ways to Secure Your Smart Home & IoT Devices
12 June 2020
5 Ways to Secure Your Smart Home & IoT Devices

The Internet of Things, or IoT devices, have already been a big part of people’s everyday lives, allowing them to accomplish tasks with greater ease and at faster times. Unfortunately, with these great miracles of technology, comes increasing vulnerability and potential insecurity. And with all the devices of smart home that people will use on a daily basis, the vulnerability and insecurity has increased along with the growing number of devices being used.

Here are five ways to make sure that you’re securing your personal IoT devices & smart home against hackers and digital intruders. read more...

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Connect more than 3 devices to your VPN
26 February 2019
Connect more than 3 devices to your VPN

Great news for our customers. You can now connect more than 3 devices to Trust.Zone VPN!
Trust.Zone announces a new extra feature - 3 Additional Simultaneous Connections. With that feature you increase a number of connected devices to Trust.Zone VPN. No need to buy extra subscription, just order additional connections and save up to 53%. read more...

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TrustZone is in the list of TOP 3 VPNs for 2019 - according to vpnMentor
4 July 2017
TrustZone is in the list of TOP 3 VPNs for 2019 - according to vpnMentor

vpnMentor, the world leading VPN community website has selected TrustZone VPN service as one of the top 3 VPNs for 2019.
vpnMentor is a community website with tons of honest reviews of VPN services. All reviews are based on real experiences. Honesty and Transparency are two core values of vpnMentor. VPN Companies can't pay to change or delete reviews They translate reviews into 27 languages, so people in Spain, France and Indonesia can equally enjoy the same high quality content as people in the USA.


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Can't Install Trust.Zone VPN Client on Windows 10?
3 March 2017
Can't Install Trust.Zone VPN Client on Windows 10?

Unfortunately, sometimes users faced issues installing Trust.Zone VPN on Windows 10 or Windows 7. The following errors may appear: The Virtual Network Adapter being used by the specified VPN Connection Setting has been disabled , DHCP Request Failed and other. Here is a list of steps how to fix issues on Windows 10


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