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Trust.Zone Blog. Posts by tag 'privacy'

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Why is it Important to Understand Your Digital Footprint?
23 March 2021
Why is it Important to Understand Your Digital Footprint?

It’s so important to understand your electronic footprints and how it works. Often the third parties or external cookies can approach whatever information you are sharing online.

Even if you try searching your name on Google, a list of your data will appear – be it your social media profile, any published article with your name, or posts you have updated online. Know that anyone at any time can check these details, including your family, your friends, or maybe your colleagues. read more...

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5 Easy Ways Teachers Must Protect Student Data Privacy
5 January 2021
5 Easy Ways Teachers Must Protect Student Data Privacy

We know hackers have more interest in gaining access to servers of businesses than educational institutions. However, every personal information stored on the internet is worth protecting.

Schools collect loads of their students’ data and are obligated by law to ensure their safety. With an increase in remote teaching, it is very important now more than ever for teachers to pay attention to student’s data privacy. read more...

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What is a Warrant Canary of Trust.Zone VPN?
18 November 2020
What is a Warrant Canary of Trust.Zone VPN?

Do you know about Trust.Zone's Warrant Canary?

A warrant canary is a method by which a Trust.Zone VPN service aims to inform its users that the Trust.Zone has not been served with a secret government subpoena. In addition to a digital signature, warrant canary provides recent news headlines as proof that the warrant canary was recently posted. If warrant canary fails to be updated during the specified time then the user is to assume that the Trust.Zone has received a subpoena and should stop using the service. read more...

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Cyberwarfare Is Being Waged on the Internet - Is Your PC Prepared for Battle?
4 November 2020
Cyberwarfare Is Being Waged on the Internet - Is Your PC Prepared for Battle?

The moment you connected your computer to the Internet, you placed it on the 'cyber' battlefield. You might not want to fight in a cyber war, you probably just want to browse the web and check Facebook in peace, but simply by connecting your computer to the Internet, you have placed it, and everything on it, 'in harm's way'.

Would you send a soldier off to battle without body armor? No, so don't send your computer out into the fray unprotected. The enemy doesn't care what country you claim as your own, they don't care that behind the screen is a 65 year-old grandmother who loves to knit sweaters and watch funny cat videos.

So ask yourself the question: Is my computer ready for battle? read more...

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How to Avoid the Risks of Free VPNs when Working from Home
24 October 2020
How to Avoid the Risks of Free VPNs when Working from Home

The best things in life may be free, but not when it comes to a VPN. Where your online privacy is concerned, a free VPN, service will likely do you more harm than good. Luckily, there are ways you can overcome the risks involved with free VPNs when working from home.
A few years back, there was hardly any demand for VPN services. In recent years, the rising popularity of the digital nomad lifestyle and quarantine restrictions have made VPNs a necessity. If you're working from home and are considering using a VPN, here are the risks to avoid and what actions to take to secure your data (compare Free VPN vs. Paid VPN) Browser Hijacking read more...

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8 Tips on Securing Your Online Accounts During Divorce
1 October 2020
8 Tips on Securing Your Online Accounts During Divorce

In the USA, almost 39% of marriages end in divorce. If your marriage is one of them, then you probably have already consulted with a lawyer on your privacy issue. Probably you were surprised to hear that one of the most important things you need to protect in divorce is your digital data. Nevertheless, it is true. No matter how peaceful your separation is there may be a lot of information that you don’t want your spouse’s attorney to produce in court.
After two people become a family, it is hard for them to make a clean break, especially today, when everybody is too dependent on the Internet. Below there are 8 useful tips on how to secure your online accounts during a divorce properly. read more...

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5 Reasons to Protect Your Private Data With a VPN
28 September 2020
5 Reasons to Protect Your Private Data With a VPN

Getting a VPN can help you reduce risks connected to your privacy. As your device connects you to a VPN server located in any country of the world, you get to surf the Internet with that server's location, not your real one. As a result, your internet connection becomes more secure. So, what are the main reasons you should protect your private data with a VPN? read more...

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7 Risks Of Using Free VPN
20 August 2020
7  Risks Of Using Free VPN

While VPN does a wonderful job of keeping your information safe, a free version might not do the same. It makes them unsafe for use when dealing with confidential information and you can get exposed to many possible internet security risks and threats.

In saying so, here are some of the risks associated with free VPNs. read more...

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Is Using VPN at College Legal?
19 August 2020
Is Using VPN at College Legal?

Nowadays, almost everyone has heard about VPN technology, yet, many students still fail to use it.

One of the reasons is that many campuses and universities frown upon it. But there are many reasons why one might need it, from privacy and up to looking for study materials in other source. Whateveris your reason – it is up to you. Let’s talk about the legality of this issue.

VPN services are legal to use anywhere. Well, in the majority of countries, including the USA, Canada, and European countries.


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7 Ways to Have Your Data Protected While Living in a Dorm
14 August 2020
7 Ways to Have Your Data Protected While Living in a Dorm

Staying connected is synonymous with using the Internet now. Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by people sharing data across multiple platforms. The scenario on a college campus is not so different. Smart devices are facilitating not only learning but providing access to entertainment, networking, and other services as well.
However, along with that comes the threat to one's safety and privacy as well. If you are not careful enough, your data could end up in the wrong hands. The constant digital connection makes online security an increasingly stressing concern for students. In a dorm, the shared facilities make it even more essential to safeguard your devices.
Here, we will go over some of the best ways to keep your information private and secure. read more...

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