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Trust.Zone Blog. Beiträge am Tag 'spying'

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8 Tips on Securing Your Online Accounts During Divorce
1 Oktober 2020
8 Tips on Securing Your Online Accounts During Divorce

In the USA, almost 39% of marriages end in divorce. If your marriage is one of them, then you probably have already consulted with a lawyer on your privacy issue. Probably you were surprised to hear that one of the most important things you need to protect in divorce is your digital data. Nevertheless, it is true. No matter how peaceful your separation is there may be a lot of information that you don’t want your spouse’s attorney to produce in court.
After two people become a family, it is hard for them to make a clean break, especially today, when everybody is too dependent on the Internet. Below there are 8 useful tips on how to secure your online accounts during a divorce properly. weiterlesen...

How to Prevent Your ISP from Tracking Your Torrent Activity
4 Juli 2020
How to Prevent Your ISP from Tracking Your Torrent Activity

The simplest way to anonymize your torrenting  are anonymous proxy servers, Tor or VPN. The best way to prevent your ISP from tracking your torrent activity is VPN. Tor and Proxy have some disadvantages, meanwhile VPN is the best tool to protect yourself while torrenting weiterlesen...

Your ISP is now selling your web browsing history and habits. It's time to use a VPN
1 April 2017
Your ISP is now selling your web browsing history and habits. It's time to use a VPN

Say goodbye to your online privacy if you are not using VPN. US Congress voted to kill a law that would have stopped Internet Service Providers from selling your web browsing history. Your ISP can now sell your browsing history and habits to the highest bidder. The most important to do if your ISP tries  to track, collect and sell your data – start using a VPN


How to Prevent ISP from Monitoring Your Activity?
9 April 2015
How to Prevent ISP from Monitoring Your Activity?

Your Internet service provider tracks what IP addresses you are contacting, what websites and pages you are loading.  It can also read anything you send and receive over the web that isn’t encrypted. Besides that, ISP has a logging of your every move and keeping the logs up to 2 years. weiterlesen...
