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Блог Trust.Zone. Статьи по тегу 'trust.zone'

Последние новости, события и специальные предложения от Trust.Zone

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What is a Warrant Canary of Trust.Zone VPN?
18 Ноября 2020
What is a Warrant Canary of Trust.Zone VPN?

Do you know about Trust.Zone's Warrant Canary?

A warrant canary is a method by which a Trust.Zone VPN service aims to inform its users that the Trust.Zone has not been served with a secret government subpoena. In addition to a digital signature, warrant canary provides recent news headlines as proof that the warrant canary was recently posted. If warrant canary fails to be updated during the specified time then the user is to assume that the Trust.Zone has received a subpoena and should stop using the service. подробнее...

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What’s a VPN Kill Switch Feature?
17 Ноября 2020
What’s a VPN Kill Switch Feature?

While a VPN is an excellent tool which encrypts and anonymizes the traffic, it’s not 100% reliable. The main reason - VPN software behavior in case of dropped connections. подробнее...

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Trust.Zone is outside the 14-Eyes Surveillance Alliance
13 Ноября 2020
Trust.Zone is outside the 14-Eyes Surveillance Alliance

The 14 eyes intelligence surveillance agreements are legal agreements that allow certain countries to monitor and store electronic data globally. Countries of 14 eyes surveillance alliance work together to collect and share mass surveillance data with each other.
 To ensure your safety and protection, Trust.Zone VPN is located under Seychelles jurisdiction, outside the 14 eye country list, which means that no one can tap into Trust. Zone's data and so your private information is completely safe. подробнее...

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Trust.Zone VPN Use Surges in Nigeria. Nigeria to Shut Down Internet
23 Октября 2020
Trust.Zone VPN Use Surges in Nigeria. Nigeria to Shut Down Internet

According to the latest reports and tweets, Internet in Nigeria is being slowed down. Many igerian activists tweeted that Nigerian government to block Twitter, chat plarforms, messengers and other social networks.  If this were to happen, Nigeria can be completely disconnected from the rest of the world and online communication will be restricted. Fund donations will stop and aid delivery will be disrupted, possibly bringing the movement to an end.

We can confirm a massive growth +750% in Trust.Zone VPN use in Nigeria. We are urgently adding new servers in Africa to meet the needs of the people of Nigeria. подробнее...

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5 Different Types of VPNs and When to Use Them
13 Октября 2020
5 Different Types of VPNs and When to Use Them

There are different types of VPNs and to use them effectively, you should know how each one applies in which situations: Client-based VPN, Network-based VPN, Remote access VPN, Site-to-site VPN, Multi-protocol VPN подробнее...

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Trust.Zone VPN usage has skyrocketed in Azerbaijan
8 Октября 2020
Trust.Zone VPN usage has skyrocketed in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan government has recently restricted access to the Internet due to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Many reports confirm that popular social media websites Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, TikTok and other blocked in Azerbaijan. Internet users are facing difficulties to load chat platforms – WhatApp, Zoom, Skype, Viber and etc. подробнее...

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Trust.Zone Supports SOCKS5 Proxy
29 Сентября 2020
Trust.Zone Supports SOCKS5 Proxy

Did you know that all Trust.Zone VPN servers support SOCKS5 proxy?

SOCKS is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 is improved version of SOCKS protocol, it provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server.
SOCKS5 provides faster speed, it's good for P2P clients. It's very easy to install. You don't need specific app for setup. подробнее...

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Why Trust.Zone is the Best VPN for TikTok in 2021?
17 Сентября 2020
Why Trust.Zone is the Best VPN for TikTok in 2021?

Some countries decided to ban TikTok due to security and/or cultural reasons. India, Pakistan, and Indonesia already disabled TikTok, while Australia is probably going to do the same thing in the months to come. Most importantly, President Donald Trump issued an executive order that practically bans the app in the US.

This is exactly why so many people use a VPN to activate TikTok regardless of their physical locations. If you are thinking about doing the same thing, you should learn why Trust.Zone is the best VPN platform for TikTok подробнее...

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Extra Security: How to Use a Double VPN with Dedicated IP Together?
16 Сентября 2020
Extra Security: How to Use a Double VPN with Dedicated IP Together?

Some VPN users need to connect to a Dedicated IP address through Double VPN. So, how to use Dedicated IP and Double VPN from Trust.Zone together? We recommend two ways of connecting: Wi-Fi Router + Your Device and Mixing Protocols. Follow our guides. подробнее...

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What's a Double VPN?
5 Сентября 2020
What's a Double VPN?

VPN provides you with encrypted and private tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Double VPN is more powerful use of VPN technology – it forwards your encrypted traffic through two VPN servers instead of one. Internet traffic is encrypted twice.
For example, with a double VPN your connection is twice as secure, anonymous and private by connecting through France and Netherlands, instead of just server in France. подробнее...

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