Press alt-f2 and type `x-terminal-emulator` then press enter
terminal emulator(console) will open
in order to install needed software please run these commands in console
user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install openswan xl2tpd l2tp-ipsec-vpn dconf-editor
`sudo` will ask you for your password, so enter it and enter 'y' when apt-get will ask you "Do you want to install continue? [Y/n]"
After software installation we need to change some configuration in order to allow applet to display in systray. Run this command:
user@ubuntu:~$ gsettings set com.canonical.unity-gtk-module whitelist "['all']"
Restart Ubuntu. After Ubuntu restarts you will see new icon in systray. Click on it and create a new connection.
Click tray icon then "Edit connections..."
Ubuntu will ask you for password in order to get root priveleges, so enter it
Connection manager will appear.
Cliquez sur le bouton « Ajouter ».
Enter connection name "Trust.Zone-VPN" then click "OK".
Click "Edit" in order to configure Connection Settings.
Set IPSec Connection Settings.
Remote Server and Server Identity:
Pre-shared Key: trustzone
Then switch to "PPP" tab, click "Allow these protocols" check "Unencrypted password (PAP)"and put your VPN login credentials.
User name: Caché. Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour voir.
Password: Caché. Connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous pour voir.
Click "OK" then "Close" to close dialogs.
Now you can click icon in systray and connect VPN connection you just created by clicking it's name
You should get such message when your Ubuntu connects to VPN
Ouvrez la Page Oprincipale de Trust.Zone et rechargez-la si elle est déjà ouverte afin de vérifier si votre connexion avec le VPN Trust.Zone est correctement établie.
Vous pouvez également visiter notre Page de Vérification de Connexion.
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