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Trust.Zone to Integrate Decentralized EmerSSL Certificates

20 Апреля 2020

As you already know, TrustZone is already using blockchain technology for the service needs. Last year, we have started collaboration with Emercoin - a leader in secure, privacy protected distributed blockchain services which offers innovative technical solutions built with powerful blockchain technologies.

We are now pleased to announce the start of developement of the paswordess logins using EmerSSL blockchain technology by Emercoin.

What's EmerSSL?

EmerSSL is a platform for passwordless website authentication utilizing the Emercoin blockchain as a decentralized and trusted store of hash sums for client SSL certificates. This SSL Certificates can be received by users on their own PCs, without any central authority, and quickly replaced as needed. This makes the ecosystem effective for both scheduled updates and rapid recalls of compromised certificates.

One of the main advantages - EmerSSL does not permit “man in the middle” attacks, since the server checks on the EMC blockchain whether it is a real certificate from the client or fake.

The Emercoin Blockchain has its own currency, Emercoins (EMC).

Keep in mind that TrustZone is accepting Emercoin Crypto Payments on the website and offering extra 10% discount for any type of VPN subscriptions or additional services. To get a discount   - choose payment method Cryptocurrency (Emercoin) on our checkout page.
