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7 Reasons Companies Should Rely Fully on VPN

10 septiembre 2021

Companies are more than willing to invest in measures that can help keep their businesses safe. One solution that business owners resort to is a VPN technology.

But exactly how do VPNs help companies improve their cybersecurity? Are the advertisements’ claims of security real?

VPN Tunnel

Virtual Private Network is infamous for its ability to hide traffic within the network. VPNs get their abilities through the process of tunneling.

Because VPNs are private networks themselves, they become an exclusive avenue for businesses to utilize. VPN’s tunnel prevents the leakage of any data sent and received. This tunnel also prevents any intrusive eyes from peering over the exchanges of data between both ends.

VPNs can be a network addition that helps improve the overall robustness of the system.

Another function of most VPNs for their users is it enables masking of IP addresses. When devices take a detour in VPN tunnels, the VPN immediately assigns an IP address to them. Thus, any online activity from the users will only leave the designated IP address. Only the provider will know the real IP address of the devices.


The ability to stay anonymous and private in the online world is a huge advantage. Staying hidden in the assailant’s radar is another security enhancement for the users. By being anonymous, any hackers would consider personal information as elusive data. Anonymity also helps evoke less temptation to attempt information breaching.

VPNs commercialize their effectiveness at making users browse privately. They do this through layered features that help enhance cybersecurity. Aside from tunnels, remote access, and IP masking, VPN also helps in data encryption. This method mingles the data with other bloated data. The data, therefore, will get camouflaged with other non-sensitive data packets.

Remote Access and Interconnectivity

Interconnectedness is one of the main features of any computer network.

There are far too many benefits of setting up a computer network for the usage of the business firm. Operating computer servers allows accumulated storage from its aggregates. There’s also the centralization of information packed within a data server. The most practical benefit of such is where the network gives enough flexible accessibility to using employees.

VPN takes the concept of interconnectivity to the next level.

Most corporations employ the use of computer networks with only wires that physically connect them. However, through the use of VPNs, users can now remotely access and utilize devices within the network.

Access Control

Any entrepreneur owning an informatics system knows the network’s vulnerability aside from its proven effectiveness. The ease of entrance within the system delimits even unauthorized figures to enter.

Businesses can also utilize VPNs as a pseudo-internal control within the integrated data system. IT overseers and managers enable layered authentication and verification processes. More than that, the use of a VPN helps place the right amount of access in the system per user. This not only helps enhance cybersecurity but improves checks and balances as well.

Virtual Countermeasures Won’t Suffice

According to Sangfor Technologies report, a company with a database center set purely on cloud providers poses an easy target for information breaches. Another report of Ponemon’s Institute gives a 49% breaching success on virtual data centers alone. This problem pushes informatics experts to recommend adapting a semi-virtual IT system, if not purely physical.

Large companies often place their central database servers at their headquarters rather than through virtual means. This method gives the firm more than just virtual solutions in promoting security. Through this strategy, companies can control the server’s environment better through reinforcements and surveillance. It also makes audit logs and trails easier to manage as compared with virtual ones.

There are many  preventive cybersecurity solutions as DDoS protection software, antiviruses,  firewalls, advanced systems as Network Detection and Response  and similar which help purge the entire server with malware that could be hiding on your servers. Having this function alongside virtual countermeasures eliminates the smallest of threats, especially now that mere threat discovery is not enough to keep a data operation safe and robust.
