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Handling VPN Connection Drops: 20 Tips and Tricks To Address Fluctuations

5 October 2023

What comes to mind when you hear the word VPN? As the name implies, this service provides online anonymity, privacy, and protection. As such, it’s best to keep up with the VPN trends and hire a highly reliable service provider.

But nothing can be more frustrating than your VPN frequently disconnecting and reconnecting. Why is this happening in the first place? There are various reasons for this! However, getting to the bottom of the problem and fixing it can be tricky and often frustrating.

Don’t worry; this guide shares with you how to handle VPN connection drops.

What Is a VPN?

VPN stands for virtual private network, providing a secure connection between your device and the internet. It works by hiding your IP address, encrypting your internet data, and adding another layer of privacy. It allows you to:

Find out the reasons your VPN keeps disconnecting in the next section below.

Why Does VPN Keep Disconnecting?

Your VPN keeps on disconnecting and reconnecting primarily due to an issue with one of three things:

However, there are various reasons you encounter VPN connection drops. Understanding why they are happening is imperative so that you know how to deal with them. That said, these drops are caused by the following factors:

Reached Device Limit: You've already hit your VPN's device limit. For the most part, VPN service providers only allow up to five devices using VPN services simultaneously.

Software Issues: Software apps installed conflict with other apps. As a result, they cause interruptions in your VPN connection.

Connection Issues: You face high connection latency, especially when you're playing online video games. Also, you confront other network connection issues, whether with your broadband, WiFI connection, or the router.

ISP Blocking: Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is blocking your VPN traffic. Note that some countries have laws and regulations that restrict the use of VPN apps.

Overloaded Server: Your VPN server is congested. Your connection might fluctuate if the single server gets connected with multiple users.

Power Setting Interference: Your device's power settings disrupt your VPN connection. For instance, battery-powered devices often take precedence over apps that appear not in use, such as your VPN software.

Learn some tips and tricks for addressing VPN fluctuations and ensuring protection below.

How To Prevent and Address VPN Connection Drops

VPN services are supposed to improve your internet connection, apart from establishing online privacy and security. But when you constantly experience VPN connection drops, it defeats the purpose of hiring these services in the first place. You’re just going to waste your money for availing them.

Michael Power, CMO at DTF Transfers, recommends three things when using VPN services and experiencing connection drops.

Power said, “What I do is change my VPN settings first. Second, I try to fix my network if the first step doesn't help. Lastly, I work on issues with my device, whether my mobile phone or laptop. Often, it takes technical knowledge and skills to perform troubleshooting effectively and successfully.”

For your guide and reference, let us expound on each step.

1. Change Your VPN Settings

The first thing to examine is your VPN settings. You probably need to make some changes and adjustments with one of them. Consider the following steps:

Make sure that your VPN provider supports Kill-Switch option. With a Kill-Switch, your original IP addres will not be revealed. Kill Switch blocks all outgoing and incoming traffic if internet connection drops for any reason.

Change VPN Tunneling Protocol. You can choose a protocol automatically if your VPN allows. If not, opt for reliable WireGuard or OpenVPN protocols.

Alter VPN Server. You can switch your server if your current one is congested or has alarming issues.

Modify DNS Settings. You can change your DNS settings to improve your connection if your VPN service provider offers a custom DNS option.

Modify the Encryption Level. You may downgrade your encryption level to improve your connection. However, not all VPN service providers have this option.

Enable the Obfuscation Feature or Stealth Mode. You can leverage this if you're accessing sites in countries with internet blocks. It allows you to bypass the restrictions.

Disable Multi-hop Server. You should deactivate this feature since it tunnels your traffic through multiple servers, thus affecting your connection.

Disable Trusted Networks. You should deactivate this feature since it automatically disconnects the VPN connection when using a network marked as safe. However, check if your VPN service has this feature.

Update Your VPN App. You might not have updated your VPN software at all. Check when the last time you did so, and perform the needful.

2. Fix Your Network

Aside from the VPN settings, you should also check the network itself. You might need to fix some aspects of it. Take note of the following crucial steps:

Restart Router. All you have to do is turn it off and on after a few minutes. That can significantly improve your internet connection.

Update Router's Firmware. You might need to update it manually, albeit most modern routers do so automatically. If you don't, it might negatively impact your connection.

Change Ports. You can change your device's port that's connecting to the internet to improve your connection. However, not all VPN service providers allow you to do this.

Connect to a Different Network. There might be a need to switch your network to stabilize your connection. For instance, change from a Wi-Fi connection to mobile data if you're using your mobile phone. If you’re using a laptop, try switching between Wi-Fi and ethernet cables whenever possible.

Examine Internet Speed. You must run an internet speed test to check your connection. The issue might have to do with your ISP, not necessarily your VPN provider. Then, you can go ahead and deal with your net service provider.

3. Address Device Issues

Lastly, the problem might have to do with your device itself. So, you need to address your device issues. Follow the practical steps below.

Allow the Use of Devices within the VPN Limit. If not, add a VPN to your router to allow other devices.

Stop the Firewall from VPN Blocking. In some cases, firewalls do block VPNs. Make sure to check the log and fix it.

Update Network Drivers. An outdated TAP adapter can lead to VPN connection issues. Since VPN providers use this adapter to allow server connections, ensure it is up-to-date.

Update Operating Systems. It's best to update your device's OS regularly. That way, it guarantees a smooth internet connection.

Get Rid of Old VPN Apps. Having multiple VPN apps installed on your device can cause software conflicts. That can negatively impact your VPN connection.

Install a VPN on the Router. This step can be your last option if all measures related to your device don't work. Doing so ensures your VPN connection covers all devices connected to the router.

Final Words

So there you have it—these are tips and tricks for handling VPN connection drops. Follow the recommended steps above, whether changing your DNS settings, fixing your network, or addressing your device issues. They are relatively easy and pretty straightforward!

Hiring the best VPN service guarantees your online privacy, anonymity, and protection. You have to make the most of it!

Trust.Zone offers VPN services with DNS leak protection. Our goal is to help you stay 100% anonymous, prevent your ISP from monitoring your online activities, keep your data safe and secure from third parties, and unblock restricted websites. Contact us today to get started with your VPN setup!
