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Trust.Zone is Featured on Top VPN Industry Websites

3 July 2018

Need more reviews about Trust.Zone VPN from independent news sources and trusted VPN review websites? Now you could easily find tons of reviews and stories about Trust.Zone user experience. Our editors have collected several Trust.Zone VPN reviews appeared on the web last weeks.  

BestReviews, one of the leading product comparison websites recently reviewed Trust.Zone VPN service among other leading VPN services on the web.

General internet usage and browsing in particular are the activities that Trust.Zone encourages. And yes, you can trust them in these matters. As you will observe below, the networking capabilities of the company also point to this.  Prices and the pricing structure are similarly comprehensible and fair, with a 3-day free trial to let you experience what the service is like. P2P and torrent support is good news, and so is having 3 devices to connect with at the same time.

VPNAnalysis, yet another leading VPN comparison website has tested TrustZone VPN again and reviewed the service. 

Overall experience of using Trust.Zone is quite satisfying. There was a drop in the internet speed but not enough to create annoying lag. This makes Trust.Zone a viable candidate to unblock streaming websites like Netflix and Hulu. Ease of payment through Trust.Zone’s various payment options is also a prominent feature which attract users. 3 simultaneous connections also lure users, I tested this feature by connecting Trust.Zone on 3 different devices concurrently and they performed well, no error messages or disconnections. Server number and locations are enough but improvement will make it even better.

VPNMentor has rated 200+ VPN services around the world and ranked TrustZone VPN service as 5th among 200+ VPNs.

Trust.Zone doesn’t restrict any type of traffic, so you can do whatever you want on their servers. They do not block or throttle any protocols, servers, IP addresses, or any type of traffic in any way. You don’t have to worry about choosing a server to use because they will choose the fastest one for you, no matter what your location is. If your connection happens to drop, they will reconnect automatically when a connection is available. While your connection is dropped, Trust.Zone will block all outgoing internet connections to keep you secure until you are reconnected. Your IP address will never be exposed. is a well-known resource in France about Best VPN & VPN Software Services. publishes VPN reviews, news and guides on how to be anonymous online, Hadopi Law, p2p, torrent and how to avoid ISP and Government tracking.

Trust.Zone offre des prix d’abonnements parmi les plus abordables du marché et permet le paiement par Bitcoin. Les prix de Trust.Zone sont parmi les plus bas du marché.
Pourtant, cela ne les dissuade pas d’offrir un essai gratuit de 3 jours à toute personne intéressée. L’abonnement de 12 mois coûte 2,99 $ (USD) par mois. Si vous payez en utilisant Bitcoin, le prix est encore actualisé de 10 %. Vous pouvez également opter pour l’abonnement de 1 mois ou de 3 mois à des prix légèrement plus élevés.  

VPNCrew - a digital magazine about VPN and Protecting Privacy Online has also reviewed Trust.Zone

Provides a VPN connection that allows you to be truly anonymous online, without having to worry that your ISP is tracking your activity. No logging and no restricted P2P traffic.

The good thing about Trust Zone is that it doesn’t keep any logs of your online activity, meaning that even the service provider doesn’t know what you are doing online, despite you using their private connection. This is because this company is not bound by the restrictive government rules that require them to follow any data retention laws, so the users are safe in this regard. Also, it provides the unrestricted P2P traffic in case you want to use your private connection for torrent or P2P sharing, which might not be possible if you use other similar services.. highlighted that Trust.Zone VPN Use Skyrocketed amid User-Tracking Concerns on the Internet.

Based in Mahe, Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, Trust.Zone faces no requirement to retain data on its servers. No outside court order can be enforced in the company’s jurisdiction. The company claims that it ignores copyright infringement notices and U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) requests. 

An attraction for bitcoin users is a 10% discount for paying with bitcoin.