Скачать файл настроек OpenVPN (.ovpn).
OpenVPN (.ovpn) файл: СКРЫТО. Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть.
Install packages required for OpenVPN connection.
Run following command in command line:
sudo pacman -S openvpn
Create OpenVPN connection using downloaded ovpn file
- Right click the Network Manager on the menu bar - and click "Edit Connections..."
- then click "Add"
- choose "Import a saved VPN configuration..." for the connection type from the drop down menu
- then click "Create..."
- navigate to downloaded ovpn file and select it
- then click "Open"
- Remove only the ":443" from the "Gateway:" ( if present ) as only the domain name should be in this box
- for the "User name:" type in your VPN user from Manual Setup page
- for the "Password:" type in the VPN password from Manual Setup page
- Then click "Advanced..."
- Check "Use custom gateway port:" and set it to "443"
- Click on the "Security" tab
- Set the "Cipher:" to "AES-256-CBC"
- Set the "HMAC Authentication:" to "SHA512"
- Click "OK"
- Click "Save"
Trust.Zone VPN does not support IPv6 so you need to disable IPv6 to prevent IPv6 leak.
On the following Wiki page you can find instructions on how to disable IPv6: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/IPv6
Чтобы проверить, правильно ли установлено соединение с VPN Trust.Zone, откройте Главную страницу или перезагрузите ее, если она уже открыта.
Вы также можете посетить Страницу проверки подключения.
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