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Trust.Zone VPN usage in Azerbaijan has skyrocketed: How to unblock TikTok and other social networks with a VPN
15 September 2022
Trust.Zone VPN usage in Azerbaijan has skyrocketed: How to unblock TikTok and other social networks with a VPN

Azerbaijan government has recently restricted access to the social networks - TikTok and Facebook due to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The latest reports confirm that internet users in Azerbaijan are faced with issues while loading popular social media platforms TikTok Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and other. Users are facing difficulties to load chat platforms – WhatApp, Zoom, Skype, Viber and Facebook Messenger. Access to some news website is also restricted

As a result, the use of VPN technology has increased dramatically in Azerbaijan. Google Trends report confirms it.

Trust.Zone VPN usage in Azerbaijan has skyrocketed. Our team added a few servers to provide customers from Azerbaijan with the fast and reliable VPN service during blockade. weiterlesen...

How to Unblock Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook in India?
26 Mai 2021
How to Unblock Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook in India?

Will social networks like Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook be really banned in India? If they do not comply with the new rules they will always be at risk of a significant government action against them.

The perfect way to avoid censorship and restricting the access to social media is a using a VPN. Trustworthy VPN can easily unblock Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook and other website in India. Read how weiterlesen...

How to Unblock Twitter in Russia with a VPN
4 März 2021
How to Unblock Twitter in Russia with a VPN

Russian authorities have slowed down Twitter access in Russia. Russian authorities called Twitter as "threat". They will block Twitter completely unless Twitter censors the tweets. Experts suppose that YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and other social networks may be blocked soon in Russia too.

The solution to unblock Twitter and other social networks in Russia completely could be using a VPN service. weiterlesen...

Russia bans Facebook: How to unblock Facebook in Russia with a VPN
2 März 2021
Russia bans Facebook: How to unblock Facebook in Russia with a VPN

The Government of Russia has blocked access to Facebook in Russia. WhatsApp can be the next step – experts say.

According to Roskomnadzor, Russia’s tech and communications regulator, Facebook has restricted accounts of several Russian media on Facebook. In response to this fact Russian regulator said that Facebook violated the rights and freedoms. This was a reason to block Facebook in Russia immediately.

It’s good to know that Trust.Zone VPN is a great way to unblock Facebook, Whatsapp and other Meta services in Russia weiterlesen...

Trust.Zone VPN usage has skyrocketed in Azerbaijan
8 Oktober 2020
Trust.Zone VPN usage has skyrocketed in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan government has recently restricted access to the Internet due to Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Many reports confirm that popular social media websites Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin, TikTok and other blocked in Azerbaijan. Internet users are facing difficulties to load chat platforms – WhatApp, Zoom, Skype, Viber and etc. weiterlesen...

Sign up to Trust.Zone VPN with Your Instagram Account
13 Juni 2019
Sign up to Trust.Zone VPN with Your Instagram Account

Sign in to Trust.Zone with your Instagram Account

Just click on Instagram Icon while registering and enjoy using VPN with your Instagram account weiterlesen...

How to Access Facebook and Gmail in China?
30 Mai 2017
How to Access Facebook and Gmail in China?

The Chinese authorities has two major ways to control what Chinese internet users see on the internet: “The Great Firewall” - the system of restricting access to popular websites and services like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Gmail, YouTube and etc. and “Golden Shield Project” - the system of censorship which blocks “unfriendly” incoming traffic and data from outside of China. weiterlesen...

Need a 1-YEAR VPN from Trust.Zone for FREE? Join Our Facebook Contest!
3 Februar 2016
Need a 1-YEAR VPN from Trust.Zone for FREE? Join Our Facebook Contest!

Want a free 1 YEAR VPN from Trust.Zone? Just like Official TrustZone Facebook Page, share this  post on Facebook among your friends and answer the question: "Why do you need a VPN?". The user with the most creative answer will be awarded a prize - 1 YEAR VPN for FREE. weiterlesen...

Free Internet Shut Down in Egypt
5 Januar 2016
Free Internet Shut Down in Egypt

Free Internet service for over 3 million Egyptians shut down. The service sponsored by Facebook that offers free Internet access was suspended in Egypt after a permit required from the government was not renewed, Reuters says. Free Basics gives access to Facebook and other web services without data charges. It has run into trouble in India, where activists allege the program violates network neutrality, the principle that all Internet sites should be equally accessible.

The most tech-savvy internet users prefer using VPN to access Internet in Egypt in any time. With a VPN internet users in Egypt are available to bypass censorship and access social networks like Facebook and Twitter. weiterlesen...

China Unblocks Facebook, Twitter and Google during 2015 World Championships in Athletics
21 August 2015
China Unblocks Facebook, Twitter and Google during 2015 World Championships in Athletics

The Chinese government will unblock social networks Facebook and Twitter as well as search engine Google during the 2015 World Championships in Athletics – according to the general secretary of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Essar Gabriel.

During the last years, China authorities restricted access to all major popular social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email services like Gmail and Yahoo, search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and other.  According to a Harvard study, at least 18,000 websites are blocked from within China, including 12 out of the Top 100 most popular websites in the world. weiterlesen...

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