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Trust.Zone Blog. Beiträge am Tag 'internet'

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Unlock TikTok with VPN and Access it Anywhere and Anytime
14 Oktober 2020
Unlock TikTok with VPN and Access it Anywhere and Anytime

The block of apps is a common predicament that most people in various countries have to encounter. The recent restriction for the TikTok app in some countries deprived most of the app’s fanatics of accessing its services. This might be a depressing situation if you used it to generate income.
Do not despair because you can use the Trust.Zone VPN to access TikTok and continue enjoying it. Here are some ways that you can use a VPN to access TikTok anywhere and anytime. weiterlesen...

Top 7 Cyber Threats Every Webmaster Should Know
11 Oktober 2020
Top 7 Cyber Threats Every Webmaster Should Know

It’s surprising but hackers attack 2,244 times a day. Financial losses related to cybercrime are projected to reach $6 trillion annually by 2021. These impressive figures imply that business owners realize the damage their organizations might face due to cyberattacks. Alas, more than 77% of companies do not have a cybersecurity incident response plan and their IT teams have no clue how to respond to their websites’ attacks.

We’ll list the greatest threats to watch out for to keep your business protected weiterlesen...

Trust.Zone Supports SOCKS5 Proxy
29 September 2020
Trust.Zone Supports SOCKS5 Proxy

Did you know that all Trust.Zone VPN servers support SOCKS5 proxy?

SOCKS is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 is improved version of SOCKS protocol, it provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server.
SOCKS5 provides faster speed, it's good for P2P clients. It's very easy to install. You don't need specific app for setup. weiterlesen...

How Using A VPN Can Help Your SEO
4 September 2020
How Using A VPN Can Help Your SEO

Did you know that the use of VPN helps improve the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plan of action and secure specifics obtained from various search websites? Using VPN has a massive advantage because it develops the ability to find organic results from anywhere in the world.
Let’s discuss how using a VPN is fundamental to a person’s SEO. weiterlesen...

9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN
9 August 2020
9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN

VPN ensures that the users can work on a private network and not have a fear of compromise. But beyond just protecting your privacy on the internet, there are other ways to maximize your VPN.

Here are 9 ways to optimize your VPN use. weiterlesen...

Top 5 Reasons to Use a VPN at College
9 August 2020
Top 5 Reasons to Use a VPN at College

When doing research in college, you may need to access materials from different countries. You may also be interested in search results in a certain language. There are many websites and databases that are only available for people who live in a certain country so you cannot access them from your American IP address. weiterlesen...

5 Reasons Students Are Targeted by Hackers
6 August 2020
5 Reasons Students Are Targeted by Hackers

Thanks to the Internet, college and university students got many opportunities for convenient learning and communication. According to research, 73% of teenagers use smartphones, 87% of teenagers use computers, and 72% of them have social media accounts. Given that so many teenagers are present online, there’s no surprise that they often become targets for hackers. In the USA, as much as 55% of people aged 18-29 note that they were victims of data theft at least once. weiterlesen...

Is Data Security Still a Concern in 2021?
16 Juli 2020
Is Data Security Still a Concern in 2021?

According to a recent report, there has been a 20 percent spike in cyberattacks during the Covid-19 outbreak. Around 445 million fraud incidents have been registered since the beginning of the year. In this article, we explore some of the reasons data security is still important and consider the most common cyberattacks this year. weiterlesen...

5 Reasons You Need a VPN for Gaming
29 Juni 2020
5 Reasons You Need a VPN for Gaming

If you’re big into online gaming, you’ll be picking up all the technical tips of the trade, from high-powered graphics cards to top-end cooling systems. If you’re looking to perfect your gaming rig, one element you can’t afford to overlook is your server and a high-quality paid virtual private network (VPN) gives you servers in spades. weiterlesen...

Are Proxy Servers Safe?
5 August 2019
Are Proxy Servers Safe?

Thousands of internet users use free web proxy services to overcome censorship and unblock websites restricted in their country. Are proxy servers really safe? According to the latest research - 14% of the proxies are safe only! The most proxy services modify content of the websites to inject advertisign into websites! weiterlesen...

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