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Trust.Zone is in the Top 3 Free Trial VPNs - accoding to RestorePrivacy
29 April 2024
Trust.Zone is in the Top 3 Free Trial VPNs - accoding to RestorePrivacy

RestorePrivacy, the leading service, providing users with useful privacy and security information, has recently ranked TrustZone among Top 3 Free Trial VPNs

According to RestorePrivacy, everything published on this site is honest, free of charge, and open to everyone. Nothing is locked behind a paid membership wall. weiterlesen...

10 Smart Ways to Protect Your Customers From Identity Theft
27 März 2023
10 Smart Ways to Protect Your Customers From Identity Theft

When running a business, you can’t expect everything to go as smoothly as planned. Sometimes, you’ll encounter difficulties along the way that can affect processes and your revenue.

There’s also the threat of cybercriminals using unethical ways to seal your information, leading to significant issues like identity theft. Cybercriminals often gain access to sensitive information via system vulnerabilities which lets them take over accounts, steal sensitive data, and make unauthorized transactions.

That’s why you need to be vigilant at all times and use identity management solutions to prevent these events from happening. It would be best if you always stayed vigilant at all times.

We’ll walk you through the nine smart ways to protect your customers from identity theft: weiterlesen...

5 Strategies to Help You Reduce Your Digital Footprint for Online Safety
30 November 2022
5 Strategies to Help You Reduce Your Digital Footprint for Online Safety

Reducing your digital footprint is an essential part of staying safe online. If you take measures to control what information about you is available online, you can help protect yourself from identity theft, fraud, and other cyber crimes.

So choose your privacy settings wisely, use incognito mode while browsing, and be thoughtful about what personal information you share online. Also, don’t forget to unsubscribe from unwanted emails. Use security tools, too.

Following these simple tips will go a long way towards keeping your personal information safe and secure. weiterlesen...

5 Ways How to Protect Your Privacy on Social Media
12 Mai 2021
5 Ways How to Protect Your Privacy on Social Media

The personal data breach has become one of the most daunting problems in recent years. Therefore, social networks and other social platforms (forums, mail services, CRM systems, etc.) are constantly looking for new ways to improve their functionality and most notably prevent unauthorized access to personal data and user content.

Would you like to restrict those cybercriminals from getting damage to your social media privacy? Keep on reading and find out the most effective ways to set a protection mechanism in motion. weiterlesen...

Why is it Important to Understand Your Digital Footprint?
23 März 2021
Why is it Important to Understand Your Digital Footprint?

It’s so important to understand your electronic footprints and how it works. Often the third parties or external cookies can approach whatever information you are sharing online.

Even if you try searching your name on Google, a list of your data will appear – be it your social media profile, any published article with your name, or posts you have updated online. Know that anyone at any time can check these details, including your family, your friends, or maybe your colleagues. weiterlesen...

5 Easy Ways Teachers Must Protect Student Data Privacy
5 Januar 2021
5 Easy Ways Teachers Must Protect Student Data Privacy

We know hackers have more interest in gaining access to servers of businesses than educational institutions. However, every personal information stored on the internet is worth protecting.

Schools collect loads of their students’ data and are obligated by law to ensure their safety. With an increase in remote teaching, it is very important now more than ever for teachers to pay attention to student’s data privacy. weiterlesen...

9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN
9 August 2020
9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN

VPN ensures that the users can work on a private network and not have a fear of compromise. But beyond just protecting your privacy on the internet, there are other ways to maximize your VPN.

Here are 9 ways to optimize your VPN use. weiterlesen...

Top 5 Reasons to Use a VPN at College
9 August 2020
Top 5 Reasons to Use a VPN at College

When doing research in college, you may need to access materials from different countries. You may also be interested in search results in a certain language. There are many websites and databases that are only available for people who live in a certain country so you cannot access them from your American IP address. weiterlesen...

7 Reasons Your Business Should Use a VPN
25 Mai 2020
7 Reasons Your Business Should Use a VPN

How can you protect your own data, or the data of your business and customers, from hardened cyber criminals and hackers?

VPN is a secret bunker system for your information; it allows you to travel unseen and do your work without being spied on or tracked. Here is a list of top 7 Reasons Your Business Should Use A VPN weiterlesen...

It's Legal Now: Your ISP Will Sell Your Browsing History to Highest Bidders
16 Dezember 2017
It's Legal Now: Your ISP Will Sell Your Browsing History to Highest Bidders

After Congress voted last week to strike down new FCC regulations, President Trump has signed congressional legislation signed a law that allows Internet Service Providers selling its customers’ browsing history, private data and habits to the highest bidder. In the US, new legislation allows your ISP to collect and store all of your browsing history. This will include your behaviour on sites, any clicks and pages visited.

Due to this fact VPN usage is skyrocketed. The advice to use a VPN to hide online identity, protect privacy, encrypt connection and prevent ISP from tracking your move has dominated in US media now.


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