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Trust.Zone Blog. Beiträge am Tag 'protection'

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7 Apps You Should Download to Your New Smartphone
30 August 2021
7 Apps You Should Download to Your New Smartphone

When you get a new phone, you will start with a fresh start on it. None of the apps that you had before will be there any longer so it may be time to make some updates to ensure that your phone is protected and will have everything you need to get things going.

There are many neat apps that you can download to your smartphone and you are likely to have at least a few that are your favorite. Some of the top apps that you should download to your smartphone include: weiterlesen...

Нow to Protect Your e-Wallets Using VPN +3 Bonus Tips
8 Juli 2021
Нow to Protect Your e-Wallets Using VPN +3 Bonus Tips

The cryptocurrency craze started in 2009 with the launch of Bitcoin. Although not all financiers were so optimistic, many ordinary citizens were able to make a significant fortune with such a project. This is because the principle of blockchain has proven to be reliable, and the price of each coin has skyrocketed. But many people today are not completely sure about the security of such a payment tool.

The fact that no government organization controls or regulates the flow and processing of payments does not mean that e-wallet owners are not at risk in terms of security. weiterlesen...

7 Rules To Make Your Password Stronger + 3 Bonus Tips
18 Mai 2021
7 Rules To Make Your Password Stronger + 3 Bonus Tips

Once you turn a computer on and connect it to anything, including your USB thumb drive, it is exposed to threats. Because of the nature of data movement methodologies and personal habits, there are threats everywhere. Know this and accept that fact and you have the right mindset to be safe.

The Internet is a vast and cool place, but as with everything good, there is a counterculture who wants to exploit it for their motives. In a way, a healthy dose of paranoia is good when computers are involved. The first preventative is a password.

We have decided to create a simple guide on how to make your password strong. weiterlesen...

5 Ways How to Protect Your Privacy on Social Media
12 Mai 2021
5 Ways How to Protect Your Privacy on Social Media

The personal data breach has become one of the most daunting problems in recent years. Therefore, social networks and other social platforms (forums, mail services, CRM systems, etc.) are constantly looking for new ways to improve their functionality and most notably prevent unauthorized access to personal data and user content.

Would you like to restrict those cybercriminals from getting damage to your social media privacy? Keep on reading and find out the most effective ways to set a protection mechanism in motion. weiterlesen...

5 Easy Ways Teachers Must Protect Student Data Privacy
5 Januar 2021
5 Easy Ways Teachers Must Protect Student Data Privacy

We know hackers have more interest in gaining access to servers of businesses than educational institutions. However, every personal information stored on the internet is worth protecting.

Schools collect loads of their students’ data and are obligated by law to ensure their safety. With an increase in remote teaching, it is very important now more than ever for teachers to pay attention to student’s data privacy. weiterlesen...

8 Ways to Stay Safe on Public and Guest Wi-Fi
10 November 2020
8 Ways to Stay Safe on Public and Guest Wi-Fi

With technology – smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. – being used more and more worldwide, it’s no wonder there are many more public and guest Wi-Fi hotspots than in previous years. But, with more convenient Wi-Fi hotspots comes possible security risks, where personal information can... weiterlesen...

7 Practical Security Strategies for Website Owners
20 Oktober 2020
7 Practical Security Strategies for Website Owners

Website security is a complex, yet crucial area for every website owner. In order to professionally mitigate risks, of course, it is better to hire an IT expert who specializes in security services or outsource this process. However, if you are just inquiring about the possible ways of safeguarding your website, we are sharing security practices you shouldn't neglect as a website owner. weiterlesen...

How to enable Kill Switch for Trust.Zone VPN Android App?
28 August 2020
How to enable Kill Switch for Trust.Zone VPN Android App?

Kill Switch is a special option which blocks all outgoing and incoming traffic if internet connection drops for any reason. So, your data and IP address will never be exposed by your ISP or government agencies.

How to setup Kill Switch for Trust.Zone VPN Android app? Here is a guide weiterlesen...

7 Ways to Have Your Data Protected While Living in a Dorm
14 August 2020
7 Ways to Have Your Data Protected While Living in a Dorm

Staying connected is synonymous with using the Internet now. Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by people sharing data across multiple platforms. The scenario on a college campus is not so different. Smart devices are facilitating not only learning but providing access to entertainment, networking, and other services as well.
However, along with that comes the threat to one's safety and privacy as well. If you are not careful enough, your data could end up in the wrong hands. The constant digital connection makes online security an increasingly stressing concern for students. In a dorm, the shared facilities make it even more essential to safeguard your devices.
Here, we will go over some of the best ways to keep your information private and secure. weiterlesen...

9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN
9 August 2020
9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN

VPN ensures that the users can work on a private network and not have a fear of compromise. But beyond just protecting your privacy on the internet, there are other ways to maximize your VPN.

Here are 9 ways to optimize your VPN use. weiterlesen...

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