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Trust.Zone Blog. Beiträge am Tag 'tips'

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5 Cybersecurity Tips For Going Back To School
4 Oktober 2020
5 Cybersecurity Tips For Going Back To School

Hackers are targeting students more often as teaching resources are increasingly based in digital environments and students rely more and more on technology to support their education. The benefits of technology in education are evident, but with this context cybersecurity becomes an essential element of back to school prep.

Ensure you’re well versed in the traditional scams, and understand how to leverage VPNs to protect yourself on open networks. Read on to discover the essential cybersecurity tips for going back to school. weiterlesen...

8 Tips on Securing Your Online Accounts During Divorce
1 Oktober 2020
8 Tips on Securing Your Online Accounts During Divorce

In the USA, almost 39% of marriages end in divorce. If your marriage is one of them, then you probably have already consulted with a lawyer on your privacy issue. Probably you were surprised to hear that one of the most important things you need to protect in divorce is your digital data. Nevertheless, it is true. No matter how peaceful your separation is there may be a lot of information that you don’t want your spouse’s attorney to produce in court.
After two people become a family, it is hard for them to make a clean break, especially today, when everybody is too dependent on the Internet. Below there are 8 useful tips on how to secure your online accounts during a divorce properly. weiterlesen...

How to Optimize VPN Data Usage in 5 Steps
25 September 2020
How to Optimize VPN Data Usage in 5 Steps

Are you an Internet user with a limited monthly data plan? If the answer is yes, then you probably need to think about the ways to reduce data consumption. This is particularly important for VPN users because the service might have a much greater impact on the bandwidth than you think. weiterlesen...

6 Things You Will Regret About When You Don't Use a VPN
15 Juli 2020
6 Things You Will Regret About When You Don't Use a VPN

It’s hard to imagine a company not doing most of its work online these days, but that comes with a few downsides of its own. Even though the Internet makes your business operations faster and more efficient, you must be aware of the dangers that might jeopardize your cybersecurity.

The simplest feature that helps businesses remain safe and sound in the online environment is VPN. weiterlesen...

5 Tips to Remember When You're Choosing a VPN Provider
8 Juli 2020
5 Tips to Remember When You're Choosing a VPN Provider

How do we utilize a VPN service provider to ensure that we are protected from data vultures while surfing the net?

These tips will help you narrow down your VPN options, but ultimately, the choice is yours. Beyond the VPN attributes, consider your unique situation and why you need a VPN in the first place. This will make your decision more apparent. weiterlesen...

5 Tips for Cybersecurity While You Work from Home
23 Juni 2020
5 Tips for Cybersecurity While You Work from Home

Nobody could ever think that in 2020 we will be obliged to nestle at our homes for months. And the end of the isolation is not even on the horizon. But this is the reality, and the only option left for the employers is to let their workers work from home.

Working from home has numerous nuances. And one of them is data security. weiterlesen...

5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them
18 Juni 2020
5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them

The vast majority of data security failures are preventable with foresight and precaution. Overcoming the seemingly complex nature of data security by understanding the value of Virtual Private Networks or centralising your data security are key steps to creating a secure data environment for any organisation or individual. weiterlesen...

5 Ways to Secure Your Smart Home & IoT Devices
12 Juni 2020
5 Ways to Secure Your Smart Home & IoT Devices

The Internet of Things, or IoT devices, have already been a big part of people’s everyday lives, allowing them to accomplish tasks with greater ease and at faster times. Unfortunately, with these great miracles of technology, comes increasing vulnerability and potential insecurity. And with all the devices of smart home that people will use on a daily basis, the vulnerability and insecurity has increased along with the growing number of devices being used.

Here are five ways to make sure that you’re securing your personal IoT devices & smart home against hackers and digital intruders. weiterlesen...
