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How to Access Japanese Content Abroad

24 Januar 2020

Japanese TV has some of the best news, music, radio and sports channels you'll find on the Internet. Japanese content is so interesting that residents of other countries have fought hard to gain access to it. Sadly, in many cases, the content might be inaccessible to them. This is because many captivating Japanese sites are not accessible to people that stay outside Japan, whether they are Japanese or not. However, there's a simple way around this constraint, and we'll show you.

One of Japan's top sporting sites is DAZN Japan, and there's also AbemaTV, GYAO, Niconico, and streaming TV services if you'd rather watch trending movies and videos. Gamers have DMM, and Radiko is a leading radio station in the country. So, there's something for everyone. But why aren't all these channels accessible from outside the country?

Why can't I access Japanese TV from abroad?

People outside Japan are unable to access some Japanese content because these TV stations only buy the rights to broadcast the shows in Japan. It would be highly expensive to purchase the rights to broadcast the shows all over the world. Now, a way to ensure that they stay within the limits of the rights they have purchased is by enforcing geo-restrictions. And since most of their target audience is in Japan anyway, it makes business sense.

If you are living outside Japan, this is sad news for you. However, all hope is not lost. As we mentioned earlier, there is a workaround for this restriction.

How to overcome the restrictions and watch Japanese TV abroad?

To get around this constraint of not being able to watch Japanese content outside the country, you'll need a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN is a network of devices and servers that allows you to browse the Internet as if you are in a different country.

Every device has a unique identification number assigned to it when on the Internet. This is called an Internet Protocol (IP) address. If you look closely, you'll find that devices connected to the Internet in the same country have similar IP addresses. Websites can identify devices by these addresses. So, when a site like Hulu Japan detects that a German IP address is attempting to watch its content, it'll not grant the desired access.

However, by using a VPN and connecting to a Japanese server, you'll be temporarily assigned a Japanese IP address. Even if you are miles away, it'll seem to anyone on the Internet as though you are browsing from Japan. You can then access all the content on Japanese TV sites you want.

How to use a VPN to watch Japanese content

As against what some may believe, using a VPN is quite simple. The three simple steps to accessing Japanese TV content abroad are:

1. Download the VPN application onto your devices. You can download from the official website or from your device’s store.

2. Connect to a Japanese server. Since you are looking to access Japanese content, this step is quite important. Connecting to any other server will not give you a Japanese IP address.

3. Once the VPN is connected, then you may go to any TV channel you would like to access. And voila, you can now access restricted Japanese content from outside Japan!

Head out to vpnnippon if you need more detail in Japanese on how to watch different channels.

Which VPN should you get?

An excellent VPN you should consider getting if you want to watch Japanese TV outside Japan is Trust.Zone. Located under the jurisdiction of Seychelles, which is outside the 14 eye countries, TrustZone offers top-notch privacy features for you. As you may know, your Internet Service Provider could be monitoring every action you take online. So, using a VPN like TrustZone will keep you from their prying eyes and ensure complete anonymity when using the web. Even if you want to use an unsecure or public Wi-Fi, the VPN will keep your data protected.

Trust.Zone is a VPN with 170+ servers in 100+ geo zones in the world. A decent number of these servers are located in Japan, so it'll be easy to access Japanese TV sites with the VPN. These servers are very fast, and you'll have unlimited bandwidth to browse as much content as you like.

Trust.Zone requires only your email address. Your data and passwords are also encrypted using the best cryptographic algorithms, thereby ensuring that they do not get into the wrong hands. While the VPN uses cookies, they are only to store tech information about your sessions after logging in. As an extra layer of protection, there's a kill switch that'll prevent data leaks when your connection drops.

The VPN service is available on iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, and Mac devices, and you can try it out freely for three days. Like other top-quality VPN services, there's a dedicated customer support system in place in case you experience any technical issues while using the VPN.

Can I get a VPN for free?

Trust.Zone is a paid VPN but it has 3 days FREE test period.  It's not a FREE TRIAL but totally FREE during 3 days. So, you don't need to enter your credit card details to try it. Just start, test and then decide wether you need it or not.


Japanese TV shows can keep you in front of the TV all day. You'll be missing out on a whole lot of content if you don't know how to get access to its shows when you're in other countries.
