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How to Change IP Address if You Get Banned

29 August 2017

When you connect to the Internet, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) assigns an IP address to your computer, mobile device, tablet or other network device. Depending on the type internet access, you may be allocated to use static IP address or dynamic IP address.

Sometimes, your IP address can be banned and you cannot access your favorite websites. IP address is banned usually because a computer or person was doing something inappropriately.

So, why do you get banned?

There a few ways how to bypass an IP address ban. You can try to change your IP address manually if you modem/router or PC allows IP address modification. Yet another way – you can overcome IP address ban with a proxy or VPN. We have listed possible ways to unblock your IP address below:

How to Change IP Address in Windows?

If you are connecting via ADSL line, disconnect your ADSL line from your modem/router and reconnect again. Also, you can reset your modem/router.

If you are on cable, do the following steps:
- Go to "Start"
- Click on "Run" or type "cmd" (without quotes)
- Enter ‘ipconfig /release’ (without quotes)
- Enter ‘ipconfig /renew’ (without quotes)

How to change IP Address on Mac OS X?

- Close all applications connected to the Internet.
- Go to System Preferences.
- Go to the View menu and select Network.
- Go to the Show menu and choose Active Network Ports.
- Deselect the checkbox for the port you use to connect to the Internet.
- Press Apply Now, reselect the port checkbox and click Apply Now again.

Doesn’t help? Then you need a VPN solution.

What’s a VPN?

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network is a point-to-point connection across a private network or Internet. The VPN will rout your internet traffic to their servers, access the internet on your behalf, and then transfer the data or information back to you.

VPN is able to change your IP address. If you connect to VPN server - your IP will be replaced by IP address of the VPN server. If you choose to encrypt as well as anonymize, even your ISP won’t be able to see what you’re doing and visiting. Besides that, with a VPN, you are able to unblock GEO restrictions for game servers - you can play games online without restrictions. If your favorite video streaming service blocked you from accessing the video and music – you can also bypass restrictions with a VPN too.

One of the best VPN solutions to change your IP address is Trust.Zone VPN service. Trust.Zone VPN hides and replaces your real IP address with IP address of VPN server, secures and encrypts your internet connection.

Trust.Zone gives you access to dozens of the servers from around the world. For example, if you can’t connect to your favorite website because your IP address has been banned – you can try to connect to Trust.Zone VPN service provider and change your location to another location from around the world.

Is your IP Address Banned? – Change your IP address with Trust.Zone VPN for free.
