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How to Access Medium and Wordpress in China?

14 November 2017

Blogging service Medium is not available in China anymore – according to recent reports. Majority of Medium users in China confirmed that Medium has been blocked by Great Firewall in China.

Experts suppose that the main reason is a recent Medium update, allowing publishers to host their content on the site.  It means the blogs that may have previously been banned in the region to become available to internet users in China. A few days ago, Time and The Economist were also blocked by Chinese authorities. The websites were blocked as a result of recently published articles about China.

Experts said that Medium’s block is related to the fact that Medium posted about the Panama Papers leak, detailing the offshore data of various countries’ leaders and their relatives, including China’s. Posts were widely shared on Chinese social media including Medium. Medim joined the list of blogging and online publishing sites already blocked in China, including Wordpress and Google’s Blogger (Blogspot)

China’s internet agency didn’t respond to request for comment.

The most savvy internet users prefer using VPN to access blogging services Medium, Wordpress and Google Blogger in China in any time.  If you plan on travelling to China - sign up for a VPN before you go to bypass the Great Firewall in China and unblock Medium, Wordpress, Google Blogger, Facebook, Twitter and other social media. A VPN will allow you to appear to log on from a different location, outside of China, thus bypassing the content restrictions and Great Firewall of China.

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