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Trust.Zone is in the Top 3 Free Trial VPNs - accoding to RestorePrivacy

29 April 2024

RestorePrivacy, the leading service, providing users with useful privacy and security information, has recently ranked TrustZone among Top 3 Free Trial VPNs

According to RestorePrivacy, everything published on this site is honest, free of charge, and open to everyone. Nothing is locked behind a paid membership wall. All  VPN reviews are brutally honest and based on extensive testing and research. The mission of Restore Privacy is to give you all the information and tools you need to restore your online privacy, secure your electronic devices, and stay safe online.

Trust.Zone is a Seychelles-based VPN service that offers a 3 day / 1 GB trial. The free trial VPN will be over whenever you hit the data or 3-day time limit.

Unlike many other free trial VPNs, Trust.Zone does not require any payment information to get started. Simply create an account and test out the service, completely risk free.

Trust.Zone VPN offers excellent speeds throughout their server network. Servers in my general location basically maxed out my baseline bandwidth connection at around 155 Mbps. This is one of the fastest VPNs I’ve tested.

Trust.Zone did well in all tests for this review. From a privacy perspective, it offers many benefits: excellent jurisdiction (Seychelles), no leaks, a good kill switch, and minimal logs (bandwidth). In terms of performance, it is one of the best VPNs I’ve tested.

The full review of TrustZone with complete speed and performance tests from RestorePrivacy is available here
