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How to Optimize VPN Data Usage in 5 Steps
25 September 2020
How to Optimize VPN Data Usage in 5 Steps

Are you an Internet user with a limited monthly data plan? If the answer is yes, then you probably need to think about the ways to reduce data consumption. This is particularly important for VPN users because the service might have a much greater impact on the bandwidth than you think. read more...

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What's a Double VPN?
5 September 2020
What's a Double VPN?

VPN provides you with encrypted and private tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Double VPN is more powerful use of VPN technology – it forwards your encrypted traffic through two VPN servers instead of one. Internet traffic is encrypted twice.
For example, with a double VPN your connection is twice as secure, anonymous and private by connecting through France and Netherlands, instead of just server in France. read more...

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9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN
9 August 2020
9 Ways to Get the Most of Your VPN

VPN ensures that the users can work on a private network and not have a fear of compromise. But beyond just protecting your privacy on the internet, there are other ways to maximize your VPN.

Here are 9 ways to optimize your VPN use. read more...

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How to Protect Entire Company With VPN
30 July 2020
How to Protect Entire Company With VPN

Did you know that we use digital devices for more than seven hours a day to work, play, communicate, pay, and other activities?

How can companies defend themselves and their employees? Fortunately, there are a lot of apps and software that can save your data from being stolen. The best way to shield your information is to use a VPN that only a few people can access. This way, your employees work in a protected environment. In this article, you’ll find out more about how to protect your entire company with a VPN. read more...

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6 Things You Will Regret About When You Don't Use a VPN
15 July 2020
6 Things You Will Regret About When You Don't Use a VPN

It’s hard to imagine a company not doing most of its work online these days, but that comes with a few downsides of its own. Even though the Internet makes your business operations faster and more efficient, you must be aware of the dangers that might jeopardize your cybersecurity.

The simplest feature that helps businesses remain safe and sound in the online environment is VPN. read more...

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5 Reasons Why Translators Should Use a VPN
6 July 2020
5 Reasons Why Translators Should Use a VPN

Freelance form of work has become a breakthrough for many within the last two decades. Besides, the Coronavirus pandemic was driving a huge growth in remote freelace work. Whether you simply need to make some spare cash on weekends, want to switch your career smoothly and steadily, or want to be sure that no sudden disaster deprives you of work and financial income, freelance is always a good idea. read more...

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10 Myths And Facts About VPN Technology
4 July 2020
10 Myths And Facts About VPN Technology

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) has become quite a big deal in the digital world due to the sheer versatility and the number of useful functions. VPN providers are getting increasingly popular among digital nomads as reports show that approximately 25% of users globally take advantage of such services. Here’s what other studies say about it:

- The global VPN market will reach over $50 billion by 2024.
- 50% of people say they use a VPN for access to better entertainment content, while 34% claim they do it to access social networks and news services.
- Almost 70% of VPN users are 34 or younger. read more...

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5 Reasons You Need a VPN for Gaming
29 June 2020
5 Reasons You Need a VPN for Gaming

If you’re big into online gaming, you’ll be picking up all the technical tips of the trade, from high-powered graphics cards to top-end cooling systems. If you’re looking to perfect your gaming rig, one element you can’t afford to overlook is your server and a high-quality paid virtual private network (VPN) gives you servers in spades. read more...

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How to Protect Your Privacy on Windows 10
25 June 2020
How to Protect Your Privacy on Windows 10

Before you switched your operating system to Windows 10, you must have heard a lot about how it’s the next best thing to owning a compute itself. Then you decided to update your PC to Windows 10 and admittedly, it is a lot better than windows 8 in its interface and overall user experience. But something else that you also have to look out for is the privacy in windows 10. What changes have been made? read more...

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5 Reasons Why Smart Homes Need a VPN
22 June 2020
5 Reasons Why Smart Homes Need a VPN

Smart technology and the Internet of Things come with great benefits. The most important of all is that they help us save time. However, smart homes that do not have a VPN are prone to hacks, identity thefts, and surveillance. The hacker needs to access only your coffee machine to connect to other smart devices in your home.

How do you make sure that your smart home is secure? Even though the domain of technology makes progress every day, online work and management are prone to hacking. A VPN can be a solution to a smart home, but why? read more...

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