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Blog de Trust.Zone. Mensajes por etiqueta 'reasons'

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7 Reasons Companies Should Rely Fully on VPN
10 septiembre 2021
7 Reasons Companies Should Rely Fully on VPN

Companies are more than willing to invest in measures that can help keep their businesses safe. One solution that business owners resort to is a VPN.

But exactly how do VPNs help companies improve their cybersecurity? Are the advertisements’ claims of security real? Find out with this article below. leer más...

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7 Myths About VPNs and Reasons to Start Using Them
4 agosto 2021
7 Myths About VPNs and Reasons to Start Using Them

Many myths have formed around the VPN, which need to be dispelled.

Myth 1: The average person does not need a VPN. 
Of course, they do. Especially if you live in a not quite democratic state, which is prone to Internet censorship.

Myth 2: In the minds of many people, VPN is something illegal. However, using VPN, proxy and many other services is perfectly legal. The criminal codes of most countries do not have an article that punishes the use of a VPN leer más...

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7 Reasons You Should Use a VPN in Japan
12 mayo 2021
7 Reasons You Should Use a VPN in Japan

Japan is one country that is diligent about joining the fray. Its digital development is an envy of many other countries. However, this comes at a cost. The rise in technology has also brought with it a rise in the threats from the Internet. In addition, the Japanese authorities do not have an entirely favorable stance towards internet freedom. Therefore, using a VPN becomes imperative.

There is an overlap of the reasons you generally need a VPN and some of the reasons why VPN use is necessary for Japan. Here are some of them: leer más...

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10 Reasons Why Canadians need a VPN
14 abril 2021
10 Reasons Why Canadians need a VPN

According to the latest reports, VPN usage in Canada has grown by 206%. COVID-19 pandemic has also compelled many people to adapt to working from home. This rise in work from home has also supported the growth in the number of people becoming concerned with their devices' online security and personal data.

Let’s look at the most common VPN uses for those living in and traveling to Canada. leer más...

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50 Reasons Why People Choose Trust.Zone VPN
29 enero 2021
50 Reasons Why People Choose Trust.Zone VPN

Lets take a look at 50 Reasons Why people choose Trust.Zone VPN  for their needs. leer más...

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5 Simple Reasons to Use Trust.Zone
21 enero 2021
5 Simple Reasons to Use Trust.Zone

With big opportunities come big responsibilities. You are not only consuming data, but you also share it, and that's why being online may be dangerous for you, especially when you're connected to public Wi-Fi that can be easily hacked. But even at home, you can't just relax before you're completely sure that you're not vulnerable.

It is time to understand why VPN is important and how to get the most out of it. leer más...

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5 Advantages of VPN When Travelling
4 enero 2021
5 Advantages of VPN When Travelling

If you are worried you do not know how to use a VPN when traveling, don't be - it could not be easier. These days, your traveling VPN can do everything from protecting your passwords to letting you pick which country's websites you surf through.

Here are five reasons why using a VPN when traveling is a must. leer más...

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5 Reasons to Protect Your Private Data With a VPN
28 septiembre 2020
5 Reasons to Protect Your Private Data With a VPN

Getting a VPN can help you reduce risks connected to your privacy. As your device connects you to a VPN server located in any country of the world, you get to surf the Internet with that server's location, not your real one. As a result, your internet connection becomes more secure. So, what are the main reasons you should protect your private data with a VPN? leer más...

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5 Reasons You Need a VPN for Gaming
29 junio 2020
5 Reasons You Need a VPN for Gaming

If you’re big into online gaming, you’ll be picking up all the technical tips of the trade, from high-powered graphics cards to top-end cooling systems. If you’re looking to perfect your gaming rig, one element you can’t afford to overlook is your server and a high-quality paid virtual private network (VPN) gives you servers in spades. leer más...

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7 Reasons Your Business Should Use a VPN
25 mayo 2020
7 Reasons Your Business Should Use a VPN

How can you protect your own data, or the data of your business and customers, from hardened cyber criminals and hackers?

VPN is a secret bunker system for your information; it allows you to travel unseen and do your work without being spied on or tracked. Here is a list of top 7 Reasons Your Business Should Use A VPN leer más...

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