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What is a Warrant Canary of Trust.Zone VPN?
18 novembre 2020
What is a Warrant Canary of Trust.Zone VPN?

Do you know about Trust.Zone's Warrant Canary?

A warrant canary is a method by which a Trust.Zone VPN service aims to inform its users that the Trust.Zone has not been served with a secret government subpoena. In addition to a digital signature, warrant canary provides recent news headlines as proof that the warrant canary was recently posted. If warrant canary fails to be updated during the specified time then the user is to assume that the Trust.Zone has received a subpoena and should stop using the service. en savoir plus...

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It's Legal Now: Your ISP Will Sell Your Browsing History to Highest Bidders
16 décembre 2017
It's Legal Now: Your ISP Will Sell Your Browsing History to Highest Bidders

After Congress voted last week to strike down new FCC regulations, President Trump has signed congressional legislation signed a law that allows Internet Service Providers selling its customers’ browsing history, private data and habits to the highest bidder. In the US, new legislation allows your ISP to collect and store all of your browsing history. This will include your behaviour on sites, any clicks and pages visited.

Due to this fact VPN usage is skyrocketed. The advice to use a VPN to hide online identity, protect privacy, encrypt connection and prevent ISP from tracking your move has dominated in US media now.

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Your ISP is now selling your web browsing history and habits. It's time to use a VPN
1 avril 2017
Your ISP is now selling your web browsing history and habits. It's time to use a VPN

Say goodbye to your online privacy if you are not using VPN. US Congress voted to kill a law that would have stopped Internet Service Providers from selling your web browsing history. Your ISP can now sell your browsing history and habits to the highest bidder. The most important to do if your ISP tries  to track, collect and sell your data – start using a VPN

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Australian Senate Passed Controversial Website-Blocking Law
26 juin 2015
Australian Senate Passed Controversial Website-Blocking Law

New controversial website-blocking legislation passed in Australian Senate. The law allows copyright holders to receive court orders restricting Australians’ access to overseas websites linked to copyright infringement or piracy.  Once the bill passed into law, file sharing and torrent sites like ExtraTorrent, Pirate Bay and other could be blocked to Australians by the country’s internet service providers. en savoir plus...

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