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6 Cyber Security Trends to Dominate 2022

12 janvier 2022

For anyone who uses the internet, cyber attacks remain a big concern. You may be surfing the internet for fun. Or you're a large corporation using cloud services for your organization. Managing your cyber security guarantees safe and smooth business operations everywhere.

Like everything else, cyber attackers are getting smarter too. They always have a trick or two to breach the most secure systems.

Technologies like internet banking, online payments, cloud computing, and crypto exchanges are great. That said, there is an element of vulnerability about them.

It forces users and organizations to take protective measures to avoid any disaster. So, as the cyber world continues to advance, what trends can we expect in the coming year?

In this post, we will talk about the most dominant cyber security trends in 2022. So you can stay well-prepared to counter any security threats.

Top 6 Cyber Security Trends in 2022

Cyber-attacks continue to rise worldwide as technology keeps evolving. In the last couple of years, the rate of global cyberattacks rose by 62% compared to 158% in North America.

Remote working has increased since the pandemic. This shift has also raised cyber security threats, dramatically. And that makes sense.

The more internet you use, the more chances of attacks. So, what can we expect in the world of cyber security in 2022?

Here are a few dominant cyber security trends.

User Sensitization

Cybercrime is on an all-time high. So, it’s vital to educate the masses about the safety and protection of their online data. That’s why organizations are focusing on:

How are they doing it?

Hence, we can expect to see many awareness campaigns about cybersecurity. They can transfer this critical knowledge via:

With awareness, users are likely to choose services like trustworthy VPN or reliable residential proxy. They strengthen security protocols for their home and business networks.

Automotive Hacking

Ever wondered if your car would become a victim of a cyberattack? Today we have driverless cars and IoT-based direction control. These features make vehicles an easy target for cyberattacks.

These are challenging design engineers and manufacturers to raise the level of security. There are two security aspects they should check: physical security and cybersecurity.

Compared to physical security, cybersecurity for vehicles won’t be all that simple. Also, there is a gap in the level of technology and the lack of expertise for technology-driven cars.

We all like the idea of smart vehicles. Anyhow, they're vulnerable to hacker attacks and may even disrupt normal operation modes.

This may be the reason investors and buyers are reluctant to buy these cars. Since the lack of complete control puts the driver’s and traveler’s life and money at risk.

Targeted Ransomware Attacks

Businesses are up against targeted ransomware attacks. There are different motives for this, for example, competition or hijacking the business. The upcoming trends in ransomware attacks are even more disturbing, and here is why.

Think about smart grids, pipelines, and other utility services. As we’re moving towards smartness, these services may be the next critical target for hackers.

Why? These targets give immense opportunities to hackers. It’s not about an individual business. Utility services are potential goldmines for hackers.

According to the the latest reports, ransomware attacks rose from 115 million to nearly 190 million in just one quarter of 2021. These numbers won’t come down sooner. Targeted ransomware attacks will continue to be a nightmare for cybersecurity companies.

Compared to last year, targeted ransomware attacks have increased by nearly 90%.

Higher Education Security

Higher education remains at the most vulnerable front when it comes to cyber attacks. The attackers may have different objectives. For example:

Trends show that attacks on higher education have been the most prevalent in the last few years. They’re asking for better protective measures by the institutions. In 2020, several private institutions faced cybersecurity breaches.

This is why higher education is amongst the most vulnerable elements to cyber attacks. Teachers and students take part in online classes. They share their screens and have live chat sessions. These activities make them vulnerable to online security threats. It calls for more robust online security.

Attack Vector Mobile Device

The current eCommerce surge makes mobile devices potential targets for cyber attackers. Passwords, account numbers and other important details make mobile devices appealing to cyber criminals. They will target mobile devices as attack vectors.

Right now, more than 93% of fraudulent transactions occur via mobile phones. Mobiles are used for personal, commercial, and business communication. Moreover, other operations like shopping, hotel reservations, car reservations, etc.

Thus, it is quite convenient for hackers to use these devices as a target vector in 2022.

As a business owner, it calls for more robust application security. So, if you have your business app, make it more resilient to cyberattacks.

As a user, you must focus on your data security. Always go through the terms and conditions before installing a new application.

IoT Devices are Vulnerable

IoT seems to be the next big thing in the cyberworld. So, it’s an obvious target for hackers and cyber thieves. IoT devices work through the internet. So, it is easier for attackers to breach your security and operate your IoT device remotely.

So, if you don’t want your smart TV to run hap-hazard, make sure to strengthen your Wi-Fi connection security.

Since IoT works with a network of many devices, a data breach can prove to be too dangerous for your home or office.


With cyber threats looming around, 2022 will prove to be a pivotal year in the world of cybersecurity. You should understand the factors that impact your cybersecurity. And when you do that, you can always stay one step ahead of the threats.

Last, these top trends should help you prepare better for what’s coming ahead.

