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Blog Trust.Zone

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TrustZone is in the list of TOP 3 VPNs for 2019 - according to vpnMentor

4 juillet 2017

vpnMentor, the world leading VPN community website has selected TrustZone VPN service as one of the top 3 VPNs for 2019.
vpnMentor is a community website with tons of honest reviews of VPN services. All reviews are based on real experiences. Honesty and Transparency are two core values of vpnMentor. VPN Companies can't pay to change or delete reviews They translate reviews into 27 languages, so people in Spain, France and Indonesia can equally enjoy the same high quality content as people in the USA.

The great thing about Trust.Zone is that they do not store any logs on their servers, or anywhere for that matter. The only thing they require from their users to get started is just an e-mail address to sign up. There are no names, no personal information, and no tracking of what you’re doing on the Internet and on their servers.

Trust.Zone doesn’t restrict any type of traffic, so you can do whatever you want on their servers. They do not block or throttle any protocols, servers, IP addresses, or any type of traffic in any way. 

Need more information? vpnMentor community prepared  advanced Youtube review on Trust.Zone VPN - How to Use Trust.Zone & Tutorial, see here

    Don't hesitate to leave your Trust.Zone review on VPNMentor community website!
