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Блог Trust.Zone. Статьи по тегу 'battle'

Последние новости, события и специальные предложения от Trust.Zone

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Cyberwarfare Is Being Waged on the Internet - Is Your PC Prepared for Battle?
4 Ноября 2020
Cyberwarfare Is Being Waged on the Internet - Is Your PC Prepared for Battle?

The moment you connected your computer to the Internet, you placed it on the 'cyber' battlefield. You might not want to fight in a cyber war, you probably just want to browse the web and check Facebook in peace, but simply by connecting your computer to the Internet, you have placed it, and everything on it, 'in harm's way'.

Would you send a soldier off to battle without body armor? No, so don't send your computer out into the fray unprotected. The enemy doesn't care what country you claim as your own, they don't care that behind the screen is a 65 year-old grandmother who loves to knit sweaters and watch funny cat videos.

So ask yourself the question: Is my computer ready for battle? подробнее...

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Trust.Zone Joins the Battle: Save Net Neutrality!
12 Июля 2017
Trust.Zone Joins the Battle: Save Net Neutrality!

Today is the Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality, where thousands of companies including Trust.Zone are taking a stand to support the current state of the internet. The Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality is a attempt to defend the idea that internet access should be equal and accessible for all.


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