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Trust.Zone is Ranked as the Best Free Trial VPN
4 Мая 2024
Trust.Zone is Ranked as the Best Free Trial VPN

RestorePrivacy, the leading service, providing users with useful privacy and security information, has recently ranked TrustZone as the Best Free Trial VPN among 300+ VPNs worldwide.

Whether you decide to go with one of the short-term free trial VPN services or a risk-free 30-day trial VPN service, both options will allow you to test out the VPN without any risk. подробнее...

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Trust.Zone is in the Top 3 Free Trial VPNs - accoding to RestorePrivacy
29 Апреля 2024
Trust.Zone is in the Top 3 Free Trial VPNs - accoding to RestorePrivacy

RestorePrivacy, the leading service, providing users with useful privacy and security information, has recently ranked TrustZone among Top 3 Free Trial VPNs

According to RestorePrivacy, everything published on this site is honest, free of charge, and open to everyone. Nothing is locked behind a paid membership wall. подробнее...

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What are the dangers of a free VPN, and why is it better to use a paid one?
2 Октября 2021
What are the dangers of a free VPN, and why is it better to use a paid one?

Many users do not like to pay: they think that they can find a free service for any task.

We explain what are the risks for the user who has decided to avoid identification with the help of free VPN software. подробнее...

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Double VPN is Available on Trust.Zone for Free!
6 Июня 2021
Double VPN is Available on Trust.Zone for Free!

Trust.Zone is starting additional service to make your privacy and anonymity completely perfect - Double VPN. With a double vpn technology your connection is twice as secure, anonymous and private by connecting through two VPN servers consecutively insteasd of one VPN server.

Double VPN from Trust.Zone is available for FREE! подробнее...

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Trust.Zone VPN Use Surges in Nigeria. Nigeria to Shut Down Internet
23 Октября 2020
Trust.Zone VPN Use Surges in Nigeria. Nigeria to Shut Down Internet

According to the latest reports and tweets, Internet in Nigeria is being slowed down. Many igerian activists tweeted that Nigerian government to block Twitter, chat plarforms, messengers and other social networks.  If this were to happen, Nigeria can be completely disconnected from the rest of the world and online communication will be restricted. Fund donations will stop and aid delivery will be disrupted, possibly bringing the movement to an end.

We can confirm a massive growth +750% in Trust.Zone VPN use in Nigeria. We are urgently adding new servers in Africa to meet the needs of the people of Nigeria. подробнее...

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Can VPN Be Traced? 5 Hidden Dangers of Free VPNs
19 Октября 2020
Can VPN Be Traced? 5 Hidden Dangers of Free VPNs

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have been experiencing major growth recently for various reasons. It doesn’t matter what you do online or where you come from, a trustworthy VPN can protect you from malicious intruders and other security threats.
But there is one thing in common for every VPN user out there and that is the question: Can a VPN (free of paid) be traced? The short answer is: Yes, a lot of free VPNs (and even paid!) can be traced. 
Let's look at 5 Hidden Dangers of using free VPN подробнее...

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10 Reasons Why Trust.Zone is the Best VPN Service
6 Октября 2020
10 Reasons Why Trust.Zone is the Best VPN Service

If you are using a standard internet connection, then your information can be traced easily. This information includes your geographical location, the web pages you browse, and even the details such as your credit/debit card details.

While selecting a VPN, you need to be careful of a few factors as you can only trust reliable VPN services with your information. There are a few countries that have agreements with VPN service providers to give them access to people's activities, which is what you need to avoid.

Trust.Zone is one of the few reliable VPN services that you can trust without a moment's hesitation. Here are 10 reasons why: подробнее...

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Trust.Zone is ranked among the Best Free Trial VPNs for Sweden, Norway and Denmark
27 Июля 2020
Trust.Zone is ranked among the Best Free Trial VPNs for Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Recently the leading VPN comparison services in Norway and Sweden highlighted Trust.Zone among the Best free trial VPNs.
VPNPortalen.se has rated Trust.Zone in the TOP 5 best VPNs for Sweden, Norway and Denmark подробнее...

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Hackers set up ‘FREE’ Wi-Fi hotspots to steal users’ personal details
19 Марта 2018
Hackers set up ‘FREE’ Wi-Fi hotspots to steal users’ personal details

Security experts warn that many free Wi-Fi hotspots might actually be run by hackers to https://trust.zone/post/8-best-ways-to-protect-yourself-from-hackerssteal your personal information, passwords, credit card details and browser history. Those dangerous free Wi-Fi hotspots are usually placed near world’s top tourist destinations. Expert recommends avoiding Wi-Fi hotspots with term FREE within the hotspot’s name. Besides, it's highly recommended using a VPN to encrypt your connection and stay safe while using free Wi-Fi hotsports. подробнее...

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Need a 1-YEAR VPN from Trust.Zone for FREE? Join Our Facebook Contest!
3 Февраля 2016
Need a 1-YEAR VPN from Trust.Zone for FREE? Join Our Facebook Contest!

Want a free 1 YEAR VPN from Trust.Zone? Just like Official TrustZone Facebook Page, share this  post on Facebook among your friends and answer the question: "Why do you need a VPN?". The user with the most creative answer will be awarded a prize - 1 YEAR VPN for FREE. подробнее...

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