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Блог Trust.Zone. Статьи по тегу 'hacking'

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8 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers
21 Августа 2019
8 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers

Are there things I can do to protect myself from these hackers?

Here are 8 ways you can protect yourself from hackers: use a VPN service, regularly update your operating system, avoid using public Wi-Fi, have strong and unique passwords for all your accounts and many more подробнее...

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All Wi-Fi devices are now vulnerable. Protect yourself with a VPN
26 Июня 2018
All Wi-Fi devices are now vulnerable. Protect yourself with a VPN

Bad news for all fans of free Internet – WPA2 security protocol used by your Wi-Fi router and connected devices could be easily hacked.    WPA2 security protocol is used by 90% of all Wi-Fi devices worldwide.

That’s very serious security flaw. It means that hackers can connect to your Wi-Fi router or Wi-Fi device - obtain your Wi-Fi password, spy on you, steal your credit card details data and other sensitive information.


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