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Can You Use a VPN in School, College & University?
7 Января 2022
Can You Use a VPN in School, College & University?

Some institutes allow using VPN while others may not. This happens because the institutes restrict such activities that may distract the students from studies like online gaming, torrenting and etc.

Should you use a VPN in college and university?

Students may try to use legal torrents or access academic websites that may contain information that the student is supposed to gather by himself through his personal experiences. It can give an advantage to a particular student over another and thus, the institutes may ban the use of VPNs to not grant such practices. подробнее...

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Is Using VPN at College Legal?
19 Августа 2020
Is Using VPN at College Legal?

Nowadays, almost everyone has heard about VPN technology, yet, many students still fail to use it.

One of the reasons is that many campuses and universities frown upon it. But there are many reasons why one might need it, from privacy and up to looking for study materials in other source. Whateveris your reason – it is up to you. Let’s talk about the legality of this issue.

VPN services are legal to use anywhere. Well, in the majority of countries, including the USA, Canada, and European countries.


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