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How to Use a VPN in UAE? Online Censorship in UAE.

2 Мая 2017

UAE Internet Filtering and Censorship focused on politically sensitive material, some social networking services, all Israeli domains, religiously sensitive websites, dating, and pornography. Besides that, all VoIP services like Skype, Viber, Whatsapp and other SIP bases services blocked. Parts of Wikipedia, social networking websites hi5, Friendster and many other are also blocked.

ISPs in UAE also block www.archive.org - an archive of the web where you can find old versions of websites. Viewers of Netflix are worried their access to the service might be blocked too.

Ministry of Communications has also blocked more than 500 search terms. Specific searches on the photo-sharing website Flickr are also censored. Internal UAE news websites, many of which are owned by the state, employ a large degree of self-censorship in accordance with government regulations.

If you plan on travelling to Dubai or other UAE’s city, sign up for a VPN before you go to access your favorite websites and services in UAE, and prevent your online activity from being monitored by UAE authorities. A VPN will allow you to appear to log on from a different location, outside of UAE, thus bypassing the content restrictions.

Operating a VPN is not in itself illegal in the UAE!

Trust.Zone VPN recommends a forwarding OpenVPN traffic through port 443 as the best way to obfuscate VPNs in UAE. With Trust.Zone VPN service, you are able to access your favorite websites in UAE, use VoIP services like Skype, Viber and Whatsapp in UAE. Besides that you are free to use hi5, Friendster and other social networks in UAE, access any Israeli website in UAE without restrictions.
