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How To View Social Media Profiles Discreetly

23 Мая 2022

Today, everyone wants to use social media to connect to the world and keep up with trends. If a day goes without social media, you can bet you’ll have missed out on your community's latest gists and information. Most social media platforms are designed to reveal the identity of those that have seen a post.

Therefore, you can’t have social media information without leaving a bit of yours. This might be a big deal which those who value privacy on social media. This article tells you how you can view social media profiles discreetly.

You can do this through either of the following ways:

Anonymous Social Apps

These apps are designed to keep your identity hidden. At the same time, you use them freely to view profiles, chats, comment on posts, and send messages privately. There are also a wide variety of apps that can help in searching for posts and profiles anonymously.

For example, if you want to view Facebook profiles, you can use Facebook viewer apps to view the profile anonymously. You can also do the same with other social media platforms. Using social apps viewer can help you view public accounts anonymously as well as the likes and comments from other accounts.

Using Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

To be discreet about your activities on social media, you may be required to turn off your location. This is because most social media platforms allow for location tracking. They have the ability to check in or show your location. This is done through your device's location-tracking services, so you need to disable it. However, the best way to hide your location is through a VPN.

With VPN, you would also be able to hide which social media application is in use from your Internet Service Providers. The social media app you’re using and your internet service providers will be totally blocked from accessing details. Hence, your privacy is ensured.

Online Viewing Websites

There are several online websites through which you can view profiles on social media without having a profile. All you have to do is select the viewer you want for the social media app you wish to check, fill in the username and click on the profile you want to scroll through.

This applies to social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, etc. You don't even have a profile that would show and reveal your identity to the user through online viewing websites. Therefore, you can view other profiles while being as discreet as you wish.

Run Two Accounts

The good thing about most social media apps is that they often allow more than one account to run on the same mobile device. This is a feature that can hide your personal details when viewing social media profiles. The trick is to set up two accounts, one with your real name and the other with a pseudonym. The one with your real name will be your main account, and whatever you do on it will be associated with you.

However, the other account with a pseudonym will be kept discreet. So, although it would appear when you view any profile, it can’t be traced back to you. This is an easy way to view social media profiles confidently without fear of being recognized.

Search Engines

You can go through search engines like google to view a profile and look through some posts without leaving a trace behind. You can find posts and read comments on the profile you search for. All you have to do is to search out the username of the profile on the search engine, and previous comments and mentions on other posts will start to pop out. This is relatively easy and discreet.

Use Fake Profile Pictures

A profile picture would sell you out faster than you imagine. You can’t be trying to view profiles discreetly while you have your own high-quality headshots on your profile. You could use photos that can’t be traced to you or anyone else.

Don’t use another real person's picture as it could be a form of identity theft. You could either use a cartoon picture, stock images, or inanimate objects that are obviously not you. Also, refrain from imputing other personal details that could be traced back to you.

Separate Email Address

Most social media platforms have a way of linking different accounts to the same email address. This is why you need to compartmentalize your email addresses to seek anonymity. If you have multiple accounts, create a separate email address that you want to use for the anonymous social media account. This way, you would prevent any foot traces that may lead to you.


People have different reasons for seeking privacy and anonymity on social media platforms and if you’re one of such people you can use any of the above methods to view social media content discreetly. Nonetheless, you should always use these tips responsibly without infringing on other users` privacy.
