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VPN on Your Phone: What It Is, Why We Need It, And How to Use It in iOS And Android

26 Октября 2021

The rise of mobile Internet technology has made it possible to fully use phones and tablets to surf the web. Mobile gadgets are used not only for searching the necessary information, but with their help people communicate in social networks, make purchases, conduct financial transactions, work in corporate networks.

But how do you get a reliable and anonymous connection? The answer is simple - use a VPN service.

What Is VPN And Why You Need It On Your Phone

Technology that allows you to create a logical network with one or many connections, received the generic name of the VPN.

Its essence is to create a tunnel-like secure connection on top of or inside another network, where the client can access the VPN-server using the installed on the gadget application. All transferred data is modified, encrypted, and protected inside the additional connection that was created.

So why have services that allow using of such virtual networks become so popular and is it really necessary to have them on a tablet or a smartphone?

On travel and business trips, it is often necessary to use the Internet: in order to enter the mobile office, business correspondence, order and pay for tickets and participate in online meetings, etc. It's convenient to use a handy device to check your mail, analyze quotes, or read the news. But to do this you have to resort to the services of Wi-Fi, which is now free in many railway stations, airports, cafes, and hotels.

Of course, the ability to access the Internet anywhere is useful and convenient, but how safe is it? Specialists, dealing with data protection, assert that intruders can simply and easily get access to everything you have on your gadget via insecure Wi-Fi.

In this case, using VPN services will be the best opportunity to protect the user from the theft of their confidential information. But these virtual networks can be used to achieve a lot more than just security. Their application allows to get the possibility to enter the web resource that is unavailable in a certain region, to bypass the restriction of the corporate network, and so on.

Peculiarities Of Mobile VPN-Technologies

In order for the owners of mobile gadgets to take advantage of these technologies, many VPN services have been adapted to work with such devices. The communication channels used by smartphones and tablets to access the Web often change, it can be Wi-Fi and then 3G or 4G connections. That’s why it’s not so easy for a typical VPN server to keep your mobile device constantly connected.

This is because it sees gadgets accessing it from different subnets and IP addresses, which causes applications installed on the devices to lose an active connection. To avoid this, specially adapted servers equipped with VPN technology have started to use Kill Switch and special authorization methods, which enable two-way data transfer from the server to the wearable gadgets, where the devices periodically change their network settings.

This is done so that the authorization of the virtual interface, which is in the same cryptographic protocol or the operator's network of gadgets was more flexible.

How To Use VPN On a Phone Correctly

First of all, you need to choose between paid VPN and their free analogs. What is better is for you to choose, but do not forget that saving on security is often risky. If you have decided on the choice of service and server you need to move on to the setting. Currently, the most popular mobile gadgets are those with iOS and Android on them. Of course, first of all, you should find and read articles about everything you should know about VPNs on Android and iPhone.

Activating VPN On iPhone

To configure the use of these technologies on the iPhone, you can use two ways. The first is to choose the best VPN from the App Store and install it. After that, perform the following actions:

The second is to insert configurations of the VPN manually on iPhone:

Configuring VPN On Android

Manual connnection of trusted VPN on Android is much easier:

Activate the section "Settings", in the line "Wireless networks" click on the inscription "Advanced".

After that and after opening the subsection "VPN" and clicking on the “+” sign, you will be provided with information about the available protocols for connecting such services.

After selecting and saving the necessary connection, it remains only to enter the necessary credentials: username and password. You can take VPN credentials here.

Of course, the settings for different smartphones may be different, but the basic steps are largely similar.


It is difficult to argue that the use of VPN in mobile devices is becoming a service increasingly in demand. Thanks to such services, users have a lot of opportunities: when traveling to have the opportunity not to break away from the work process, knowing that all his data is always protected, being in a different region to get access to the necessary resources and other preferences.
